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DP Store is Online!

Our website now has t-shirts and photographs for sale, just in time for the holidays! Out of gift ideas? Our DP shirts make a great gift for the eco-conscious! They're printed on 100% organic cotton, and they're super soft and durable too. T-shirts are $20 or $30 for two, and come in sizes S to XXL. Or, if you're more into the arts, you can purchase a framed print of one of our photographs signed by the photographer by making a minimum donation of $50 to Developing Pictures.

E-mail with your order, and be sure to include size, color, quantity, and your home address. All of our online transactions are secure and done through paypal, and you can purchase with a credit card.

Happy Holidays!

Any Contacts in Israel?

Developing Pictures is putting out an all points bulletin for anyone who has media or non-profit contacts in Israel. Our reasoning? We've been asked to produce a promotional video for an organization in Tel-Aviv and we figured if we fly all the way over there, we might as well get more than one video done! We're asking for both non-profit and media contacts, or anyone that could put us in touch with such contacts. They don't have to be in just Tel-Aviv either, we're open to travel. Let us know either in the comments or at

Burns DRR Video Released for International Medical Corps

We just released our fourth DRR video for the International Medical Corps on what to do if you're burned. If you speak Creole - What do you think?

Developing Pictures Releases IMC Video Series

Today, Developing Pictures launched the first half of our video series for the International Medical Corps. The videos are disaster response videos, and deal with topics ranging from first aid to cholera prevention and treatment. The rest of the series can be seen here, and don't forget to check out our website here!